Monday, July 22, 2013

The above video depicts the Ukrainian cadets demonstrating part of their drill and ceremony.  Throughout the week cadets spend multiple hours a day drilling.
After shaking off the tiredness of the weekend we approached our first day of teaching for the week with enthusiasm. We focused our attentions on basic military training. It was rewarding to see the Ukrainian cadets learn a new way of doing things from our instructions. We showed them American cadences and they in turn showed us theirs. We demonstrated the commitment that we all make upon joining the army by reciting the soldiers creed. Reinforcing how important dedication to country, mission, and fellow solider are to us. They seemed to like these concepts and wanted to now more about the army values. We also had the opportunity to meet with an American contractor working at the academy who is a retired sergeant major. He was able to put perspective on the situation and culture norms going on here and to reinforce the importance of our mission.

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