Sunday, July 21, 2013

On top of the World War II museum in Kiev stands mother Russia.  This picture could never communicate the full impact of this towering structure as it reaches up into the endless sky.

Today we had the opportunity of a life time in Kiev to explore the World War Two museum. We were able to look at artifacts from every year of the war all the way to the last day of fighting. We saw old weapons, flags, uniforms, and maps detailing the major battles and how they were waged. We are lucky that we have a member on our team who is a Russian major and was able to describe it all to us in detail. We also were able to view the massive statue of the "mother Russia" who holds a shield and sword to protect her people. After that we headed back to Livi on a five hour train ride in which hilarity ensued as all the cadets started singing songs together. Everyone fell straight to sleep once we arrived back. It was a long but rewarding day.

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