Sunday, July 21, 2013

The above monument is located in the central square in Kyiv.  The statue is a native Ukrainian and symbolizes the independence of Ukraine.

Today we took a six hour train ride to Kyiv, Ukraine to experience the capitol of this country and the rich history that surrounds the culture.  Our trip helped us observe what influenced this country and made it what it is today.  As we traveled around the shops and city streets we noticed the large influence that the former Soviet Union had upon the people of Ukraine.  Everywhere we went different trinkets were labeled with the CCCP logo or the hammer and sickle. There was a clear difference in the languages spoken between Lviv and Kyiv in that Lviv speaks primarily Ukrainian while Kyiv uses mainly Russian.  This language transition came into play when one of our very own cadets who was well read in Russian was able to use his skills with many of the locals and barter in the street shops and help the team order lunch.  Kyiv is much larger than Lviv and has a much more diverse range of people living a faster city life. 

It has been rewarding to help teach the Ukrainian Cadets English and as we have grown closer over this first week it has also been a privilege to learn about their culture and history.

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